college counselor, college consultant, independent educational consultanWe have all seen countless lists of college rankings and are very familiar with their flaws.    Still, everyone with an opinion on college seems to want to take a stab at the college ratings game.   While we at Launch realize that the usefulness of these lists are somewhat limited, PBS, is compiling some more relevant rankings for their Rethinking College Series.  I find their “Best Bang for the Buck” colleges particularly worth noting.

If you are interested, these lists are a bit different in that they are not dominated by Ivy League schools and the like.   Affordability is the key to these lists.  In these frightening times of run-away college tuition and a right job market, who is not interested in affordable colleges.

Launch is prepared to talk to you about these colleges and any others in our quest to find the best match for your student.  Please contact us today.