College Consultants Chicago, College Application AssistanceWith National Candidates Reply Date May 1 rapidly approaching, your student will be making a major life decision, perhaps the most important decision to date.   Make sure that your student takes the time to carefully consider all relevant information to make the choice that is best for him/her.  As a parent, you can encourage your student by: listening to your student’s thoughts regarding his/her choices; help him/her review financial aid offers, if relevant, and compare them carefully; prompt your student to attend prospective student events at the schools he/she is most interested in; make certain he/she submits an enrollment deposit at their top choice and no other school; once he/she has notified the college he/she is attending, remind them to notify the colleges they will not attend as soon as possible; and finally, if your student is wait-listed, encourage your student to contact the school and learn what they need to do to increase their chances of being offered admission from the wait list.

If we can help answer any questions to help you and your student make this important decision, please contact us today.  We are here to help.