Sat or ACT, Launch College Counseling, gap year options, college counseling, educational advisor, Chicago, Chicago suburbsIf your high school senior is anything like mine (did not apply ED anywhere), he or she is probably in that stressed out waiting period in which April 1st or late March cannot get here soon enough.  No doubt, he or she is wondering, will I get in anywhere?  Am I going to have to live with my parents for the rest of my life while my friends go off to exciting new places?  If so, their are still a few things your student can do to increase the chances of being admitted to one of the schools on their list.  First, your student can update his record and let admissions officers know of any positive, material changes in their academics or activities.  For example, if your student has received any new awards or recognitions in any area, he should communicate this to the admissions office(s) at the schools he is most interested in.  Other things to report could include, publication of an article, obtaining a unique internship for the spring or summer,  or even becoming involved in a challenging service project.  Anything that is new information and makes your application stand out is worth reporting.  Another option to increase your chance of admission which is offered at some large schools but not often made public is volunteering to start during the summer term.  This has the added benefit of not only increasing  your chances of admission, but also giving you a step up in the fall by having a lighter schedule.  One school that has a summer session is University of Michigan.   Rumor has it, you can increase your chances at Michigan by subtly offering  to attend summer school ( their Admissions Office does not publish this policy).  Finally, you can always write one more letter or email, telling your top choice school how much you love their school and that you would do just about anything legal to be admitted.  If none of these steps sounds appealing, sit back and try to enjoy your last semester of senior year.  It is a unique and vital stage of life.