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College visits are a great summer activity for high school seniors

For those of you with rising high school seniors, these few months of summer are the cherished calm before the storm.

While rising seniors will take most of their summers relaxing, there are some good ways you can help them use the summer months to get ahead on the college selection and application process.

  • Choose Essay Material
    Encourage your student to spend this time considering essay material. There are lots of great books for writing college essays but the best place to look is in your student’s own history of experiences that stand out as turning points in their lives.
  • Write Drafts of Essays
    Upon selecting topics, students can use their free time to write first drafts of their essays. There is a lot of help on the web for writing essays.   College Board has essay writing tips as do many other college search engines.
  • Schedule College Visits
    Even if schools are not in session, students can usually arrange a tour and information session during the summer months.  They can still get a good feel for what the campus and its surrounding area is like.
  • Get Involved
    Another great thing to do during this time is to look for experiences for your child that can make a favorable impact on their college applications.  For some kids, this means getting a great summer job, for others it can be doing a service project in a far-away country, for others it can be volunteering in their own communities.

Whatever it is, making the most of this summer is important.  There is no time like the present.