University of Texas, college counseling, educational advisor, Chicago, Chicago suburbs

Plenty of greenspace

Are you looking for a school in an amazing city, easy to get to, with awesome food, music, nightlife and a first rate education with incredible Division 1 sports teams and school spirit?  If so, University of Texas in Austin may be your school.   Never having been to Texas, I came down here for the weekend and fell in love with what UT has to offer.   Austin is a wonderful, vibrant, incurably hip city.  Despite being in the very center of a thriving city, UT has plenty of green space and a definite campus feel.  (There are no highways through the middle of campus.)  What’s more: the idyllic, leafy campus is only blocks away from one of the best music scenes in the country.


And there is the food.  I had the best taco breakfast in town for $2.50. When was the last time you ate out for $2.50?  The food truck culture is thriving in Austin, making it an affordable and fun dining experience for college students.


Though UT is between terms at the moment, the few students strolling around campus were highly enthusiastic about their school.  One grad student stated that the university’s large size was great because there is room for everyone.  Also, the campus feels relatively compact, so it did not feel overwhelming in any way.  The amazing school spirit is evident in the burnt orange Longhorn logo seen all over Austin.

My brief visit to the University of Texas made me hope someone in my family attends.  What an amazing place to visit.  Did I tell you the academics are first rate?