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Yale Law School

Yale. Or, should I just say Hogwarts.  Okay I admit it, I am a total sucker for that classic Neo-Gothic college architecture.   This was another quick stop for us on our way to New York.  I was really surprised by the huge size of the school and the large city of New Haven. (I guess not only people from the East Coast are provincial.)   We walked through the stately law school and peeked at the grand law school library. Wow, no wonder Bill and Hillary chose Yale.  Contrary to my expectations, the school has a nice little campus town.  And the numerous residential colleges, with their leafy quads, are scattered throughout the campus.


Unfortunately, I cannot tell you a lot more about the school since we did not take a tour.   For anyone who is interested, visit the Yale website.   For an added treat, watch the YouTube video “That’s Why I chose Yale,” it is a little long but very entertaining and actually quite informative.

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