University of Florida, Rollins College, Eckerd College, college planning, college consultants, counselors, educational consultantsI just returned from spring break in Florida, where the weather did not fail to provide endless sunshine. While my kids stayed busy watching spring training and going to theme parks, I did what I always do–visited colleges. I was amazed by the diversity in colleges in Central Florida. From the small and outdoorsy Eckerd College in St. Petersburg (great for marine biology), to also small but more upscale Rollins College in Winter Park, to the huge and beautiful University of Florida in Gainesville, I was amazed at how much the Florida schools had to offer. The Gainesville campus even has a lake filled with alligators and snapping turtles that is a very popular spot for visiting families. The residential honors college was impressive. Having been predisposed never to send a child of mine to school in Florida, I have officially reconsidered. Florida could be a great place to go to college. At least you do not have to worry about seasonal affective disorder! Moreover, it looked like the students were earnestly studying. In all seriousness, spring break is a terrific time to take your high school kids or even yourself college visiting. It sure beats paying hundreds of dollars to wait for hours in line at a theme park–at least to me.  Until next time–on my journey to visit all (or at least most) of the 3,000 plus colleges in the US.