Middlebury College, career and planning advisors, college specialists, college prep, post high school planningI cannot hide my enthusiasm for Middlebury College.  Despite its reputation as “Club Midd,” appealing to the scions of the wealthy, the school’s commitment to raising “citizens of the world” — with its renowned foreign language programs, amazing study abroad programs, and strong liberal and fine arts curriculum — wins me over every time (I have visited three times).   Of course, the gorgeous setting –- the pleasing stone campus architecture surrounded by a quaint New England town in the Green Mountains — does not hurt the school’s appeal.

While perusing the campus bookstore, my family and I were nearly accosted by zealous students, who introduced themselves and offered to give us a personal tour.  They clearly love their school, and their enthusiasm was contagious.  They spoke of small class sizes and terrific professors.


Due to its setting in the mountains, the school tends to attract outdoorsy, hardy souls who relish winter recreation.  Middlebury’s private ski mountain, available to students at a mere $100 for a season pass, provides a perfect antidote to the isolation long winters in Vermont may cause.    The students I met also said that they take advantage of the school’s proximity to Boston and other popular destinations on the East Coast to break up the monotony of life in a small college town.


Having said all of these wonderful things about Middlebury, some (like my husband) see things a bit differently.  He looks at the beautiful golf course, the private ski hill, and the amazing new squash court facility as evidence of an over abundance of privileged students.   But with an average financial aid package of $36,000, an obvious commitment to increasing diversity on campus, and 100% need-blind admission, I will let you judge!
For those lucky few to be offered admission, Middlebury is hard to pass up– unless of course you would rather be in California.

Check out my photos of Middlebury on Facebook.